Wednesday, September 8, 2010

What To Wear For Navy Retirement

The National Research Council Canada in association with The Center for Restoration of Museums of France analyzed with a 3D color scanner to the Mona Lisa. The obsession that causes painted 500 years after the work of Leonardo has prompted scientific studies, literary recreations, historical research and inspire legends and psychiatric studies impenetrable character posing and smiling. This scan was carried out with the intention of determining the technique that Leonardo made the sfumato which gives an atmosphere of mystery and elusive makes the work atmosphere. The sfumato is achieved with the application of hundreds delicate layers of paint, one over another, blurring the edges, like steam or smoke. This technique has been emulated and studied by many artists, but it reached perfection Leonardo is what gets these researchers. The conclusion only increased the mystery: there is no trick, only the mastery of the artist, his sensitivity, his hand.

This leads me to think, if we now have as contemporary art is so deeply motivated investigations. Do you think it will create a more efficient scanner to see a micro fiber sculptures of elephant shit, or to see what's behind a laundry facility for false guerrillas? Or maybe you legends and novels written millions of copies to focus the story on the mystery of an empty cardboard box? Is it possible for scientists to study the molecular construction of the material held an installation of tickets at the supermarket? What research team will investigate if the facility is empty pet bottles of cola or flavors? The works are "found materials", which is a euphemism to call "garbage" motivated them to science and literature centuries later as it has done the work of Leonardo and many works of great art? Can you imagine that as they have sought brown glaze formula Leonardo will find the origin of a plant with a broken skateboard strapped to a stone? Do you think science is going to invest their resources in exploring the oil paint applied to a wheel? "Underscore the impact that a collection of punctured balls broken?

That is a good parameter to think about what is and is acquired, if you see that piece in 200 years will have no reason to be in a museum or gallery, or buy or admire. I do believe it will inspire these works within years are sociological and psychiatric fathom why contemporary art spurned the talent and beauty, why we had an uncritical society was not able to say out loud that these demonstrations as well as being a scam, offended the intelligence. After analyzing the phenomenon would be worthwhile to forget it and look back and creating art that moves us and transforms our vision of reality. This tells us how art has lost its place beside him in science as one of the pillars of thought, to become a manifestation of the occurrence easy and stupidity.

Published in The Weekly.


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