Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Imitation Fluff Momma Boots


José Clemente Orozco, Desolation series House of Tears .

The seducer does not carry any ethical weight, is an avid body sensations, which strives to create and become addicted to them. Seduce for living, sleeping, eating, defecating, is what makes your life an adventure that stretches as far as what drives his own daring. The artists of this vice never think of its consequences, this would limit its action, there is no impact to justify suppressing your pleasure.

Egon Schiele enjoyed waking up the vanity of the young, almost children, inviting them to pose for her beautiful drawings that compliment that implies the proposition "I want to do a portrait," says "you're beautiful" and it was enough for girls and girls come into his garden and take off their clothes until the Puritan society did a scandal that threw Egon to prison. Balthus's paintings depict the natural inclination is for girls to feel feminine and desirable, in the memorable Therese Dreaming, she has about twelve or thirteen years, raised one leg and let the sun fall upon her pussy, close basking in the eyes of a pleasure for her, sought for her, while a kitten licking milk from a dish. Balthus's paintings are those girls who were at Casanova marquesas wearing only a mask and willing to tell their marital woes in the cadence of a gondola, are stealing the Italian nuns of the convents and had more desire to delivery carnal to the spiritual.

Egon Schiele, Nude.

Egon Schiele enjoyed waking up the vanity of the young, almost children, inviting them to pose for her beautiful drawings that compliment that implies the proposition "I want to do a portrait," says "you're beautiful" and was sufficient to that girls and young women entering their garden and take off their clothes until the Puritan society was a scandal that threw Egon to prison. Balthus's paintings depict the natural inclination is for girls to feel feminine and desirable, in the memorable Therese Dreaming, she has about twelve or thirteen years, raised one leg and let the sun fall upon her pussy, eyes closed enjoying the heat, a pleasure for her, and she sought , while a kitten licking milk from a dish. Balthus's paintings are those girls who were at Casanova marquesas wearing only a mask and willing to tell their marital woes in the cadence of a gondola, are stealing the Italian nuns of the convents and had more desire to delivery carnal than spiritual.

In the book Adrian Orozco Malvido The Young Love letters to a girl arises José Clemente Orozco seduced with the same obsession and temperament he devoted himself to painting. Regardless of the interpretation which the author makes the love affair, the letters are the description of the process, Sam will not use the same method in all his life. Orozco estimated to meet Refugio, not love at first sight, it recognizes that the girl who is all-day journey to school is the same as living in the neighborhood in which he has his studio, that is, is to scope. So begins to woo her with letters and a torrent of words that overflow on a binge of emotions, which are essential for an artist who needs to live in a nightmare day invents feelings, causes and twists to fuel that passion that requires painting.

Balthus, Therese Dreaming.

Refuge is 12, only goes to church and school, is a virgin, is the romantic and aesthetic representation of a hunt without any consequences or commitments, is a well of images that pushes masturbation, visiting prostitutes that age and draw in the series of La Casa de las Lagrimas where naked girls waiting for customers in wet beds and broken, his body in the abandonment, depleted by tens of picked and fellatio. These girls learned bodies, exploited, hurt, with the age of the young Refugio Orozco sought and says, "Give me a kiss, just one," I want to be by your side, I hold you, want to make you a thousand caresses, I consumed in the fire of your eyes. "

The painter who portrays the seedier human waste and beauty ideals, need to go to the virginity of Refugio to the gloom sick of the brothel, to capture a transition that full of wisdom. Orozco never intended to marry Refugio, prove nearly 500 letters in which she played to awaken the passion into believing that mad love to a grown man. Is exacerbating the sense of ownership, analyze, and blackmail to convince small. Refuge is flattered, responds as serial novel character and may well have been reading these stories and live in this connection his own novel. Orozco was 26, he says he cried at parting of Refuge, and it is true, Refugio was the desire, sensuality untouchable, and the triumph of his words. Fun indeed, at the height of a man who loved dancing, which in New York early in the morning to shovel the snow and can see his neighbor girl go to school. The Emperor Tiberius would have celebrated this relationship and their children, fish will bite the phallus and swam to his side.

Millennium Maze Posted in Journal on Saturday, December 4, 2010.


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