Monday, November 22, 2010

Ontario Red License Plate?


Eko, woodcut.

The origins of superstitions is fear. Believe in miracles fantastic solutions without justification or transform reality, allows live evading responsibilities that disability or weakness are feared. Superstition relegates logic, knowledge, wisdom and whims puts metaphysical entelechies and other unsupported ideas to accommodate the irrational. The superstition is locked in hatred and paranoia of the skeptic complains that his lack of faith. For a superstition to survive, it must be clear enemies, which are those that violate their beliefs. This is true for those attending shamans instead of doctors, who put the fate of a project in the hands of a saint and the structure of thought in contemporary art, artists and curators.

living art of the superstition of a set of ideas that do not support the questioning and testing and has been socially assimilated as art by habit and intellectual apathy. And cures Miracles happen by the power of suggestion, a dozen dead flies "the last" work "Gabriel Orozco, art becomes the healer's ability to believe in its tenets of faith. art rather than an idea being discussed, analyzed and walk recalling the progress and contributions that were in the past, it becomes a design and the object becomes invisible qualities as the eye could have a charm . Thus, as the cult members, all who believe in this dogma become willfully blind to reality and say that this object, "a mattress coils, a bag tied to a rope, beer cans bent, has virtues extraordinary they deserve admiration and respect.

unreasoning belief in an idea is bigotry, religion is anathema to the big question and the need to see these pieces is never questioned, only believe them, admire them. The question, which is the beginning to end ignorance and the first step of science, breaks down his ideas, then doubt is of infidels and heretics and deserve to be pursued. Also doubtful is ignorant, is due to the lack of training, because in this art, as in the religions and sects, all the official truth is contained in each work and that should suffice for the viewer. Mentally faithful subject need not intelligent public. In the miraculous cures are common if the patient has no improvement, not the fault of charlatan posing as a doctor, or the quack remedies that supply the sick, the lack of recovery is because the patient does not have faith, does not believe in treatment. If we go to the museum or gallery and not see the exhibit, a mobile made with cotton balls and a few mirrors, "" meditation and aura of the encounter of different alien landscapes that change with the simple factor of the movement "is not charlatan artist's responsibility and not that the rhetoric of counter-curator does not work is because of our prejudices and lack of faith that does not allow us to partake of the miraculous transformation of a broken mirrors in a metaphysical landscape. What is needed is to believe to see. Here the phrase from Tomas in the biblical story is confirmed as incorrect, because for the artistic phenomenon to happen we must believe before then we can witness the miracle. Believing that everything is art, believe that the supreme priest or healer has extraordinary powers and that the artist can turn water into wine. Superstitions make reality irrelevant because their explanations of the facts are more important than the fact itself. The creation myths of the world are absurd and unscientific, but its importance is that they are an idea that undermines a fact of reality, to reconsider under a favorable view of the power of sect. In a work situation is equally contemporary religious phenomena, the least is the work, it is transcendental meanings and explanations of the curator and artist, and the weight of these inventions have in their set of beliefs. To operate the powers of religious relics and amulets that have the ability to change the destiny of the believer, the first thing is to appreciate that not what we see, that are more than just not seen in nature.

So if, as happened with the scientific evidence, the bones of Joan of Arc turn out to be a cat, is irrelevant, for the fans are a saint and should be worship. Worshipers of objects of contemporary art are revered to some sheets soiled with blood, hair and food waste framed, because being an artist that causes nature undergoes a change equal to the transubstantiation, making art. No justification, no intellectual support, only the power of faith. The art is no longer intelligent, is a fanatical superstition, a show that is held in dogmas and is based on the legitimate institutions, humiliating the light of reason. The history of fanaticism is that of barbarism, hate the other, the denial of wisdom. By throwing the art to superstition are launching humanity into a setback dangerous and fatal. This goes beyond rhetorical whim, is to discard the path that brought us out of a primitive and ignorant. In the name of dogma have sabotaged the passions, art, beauty and intelligence are our energy and essential elements for further development.

Published in the Journal Replicant.


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