Wednesday, November 17, 2010

What Is Covered In A Brazilian Wax

The eye is the lamp of the body. Matthew, VI, 22.

orgasm and mystical enlightenment defined with the same word: Ecstasy. For the two states need the absolute surrender to the Other and oneself. It is the ultimate union of body and mind, the total docility of a moment that carries into a state of glory and fulfillment. Escape from the body and find the lighting that gives the pleasure, before being part of the legend of the saints was a Dionysian practice. The mediums to communicate with the oracle and translate their designs came in a state of trance or delirium. From these ancient cultures in contact with the divine is linked to pleasure, a state can not control our bodily sensations and let them shake freely without guidance of reason. The challenge was to represent the artists immense pleasure without the revelation of nudity, because the saints, in their capacity as such and purity, denied physical contact with another being. Them to achieve happiness and fulfillment in the mystical relationship with a divine being higher at the end is like a body and worldly experience, different paths lead to the same destination: the orgasm. In art history there are two ecstasy or superhuman beauty orgasms, Santa Teresa by Bernini and St. Francis of Assisi by Bellini.

The Ecstasy of St. Teresa , Bernini made it a tough time in his career, and was no longer the great favorite of the Vatican court. Pope Innocent X decided that was frowned upon to be spent on major works so introduced an austerity plan that affected Bernini, to the extent that serious difficulties had to be paid arrears of the previous commission potato. The Ecstasy of St. Teresa was commissioned by the Venetian Cardinal Federico Cornaro, to adorn his grave in a humble church-within the magnificent Vatican standards of the Order of Discalced Carmelites. Santa Teresa, which belongs to this order, had recently been canonized. What makes dazzling sculpture is that Bernini took all his maturity and virtuosity as an artist to create the orgasm beautiful Baroque history and perhaps the art. Mortification and deprivation of Teresa, the anguish of fasting and penance bring the desired reward, the ultimate consummation. Santa Teresa's face is transfixed with pleasure, delivered to the office, is open lips sighing release that springs from the heart, eyes closed, head in total abandonment of the will is tilted back, while a Angel, a delicious and promiscuous teenager up an arrow with a leer and directs it to the holy hell with the intention of pointing the center of pleasure, let us see that there on that site is the true devotion and delivery of pure body of Teresa of Jesus. The angel is going to penetrate with the arrow, will lead to fainting, unconsciousness, to madness and to achieve Berinini splendid carved with a delicacy, an opening between the folds of her habit marble, shows the holy virgin vagina and deep, showing the entrance to the most sacred of his being. From the roof down the golden light of the sun's rays enter through a perforated dome and hides behind the scenes in which the sculpture is placed. This wonderful possession is a carved marble rock gently to dementia and detail, creating a whole from afar can be seen as an orgy, a symphony that explodes in a flash. The storm of light emanates as Teresa fluids.

The Ecstasy of San Francisco of Assisi Bellini, unlike Teresa is the time of possession, is the instant of the loving. This work is exceptional Renaissance into the path of Bellini, who specialized in religious subjects. Here the artist lets out what this delivers unlimited and as Francisco waiting in solitude. Cover is the refuge of pleasure, who want to enjoy the world away. In painting see how the saint lives in a hermitage in the distance, the landscape, is the city, he sought the pleasure away from distractions that could distorting it. Out to meet him and get looking at the sky, his chest led to the top, claiming that wants to be penetrated in the center of his heart, the exit-face, eyes almost white Francisco to see what those eyes? What is shown hallucination? Is on the verge of fainting, mouth ajar of escaping a death rattle, a cry in that solitude no witnesses. The extended arms shows the scars of the hands are injured, are holes, are indications of penetration, the physical map of the place of pleasure deeper pleasure without limits is not known consequences. Poverty is poverty Francisco end of nudity in this austerity does not need to take off their clothes, we know who has surrendered completely, which in this orgy he is possessed, one who lends to tame the domain of the Other and available that takes you to the fullest happiness. This relentless austerity is the gateway to happiness, hardships imposed delivery make a banquet unspeakable, asceticism incites lust. The art work painted with the Bellini brothers, who invented the oil painting is a vertical composition, rocks, background buildings, furniture and position of the saint looks at the sky, it's an almost phallic. The detail of each place, the recreation of a wild nature, creates an intimate setting that makes us voyeurs in the delivery intruders poor but beautiful solitude of nature. The sky is blue that no one could Bellini and populated as a light clouds in the distance that direct light penetrating the chest in the center of the humble habit of the saint. The scenery is marvelous, but the real miracle is the landscape of pleasure Francisco, dedication and willingness to be taken, used, taken to a place they can never return.

Published in the Journal Antidote


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