Monday, February 28, 2011

Dr. Bernstine Does It Really Work?

different and experimental on Monday ..

Doing a bit of history ..

grew up next to a neighbor who was also a close friend, was normal after spending the afternoon playing my Mom called us to dinner and the well off. A time to finish the dish my mom always asked if I wanted more and he always answered yes, because he was left wanting ...

many times also have some encounter with someone, talk, live together and goodbye. But is the .. There would have said ...

who has an account addictive active on facebook or twitter will not let me lie. Communication in such sites is quick and concrete issues we can continue no matter that we are not connected @ s all day on the pc. Returning to visit such sites, we can see the updates and if we need to consider or comment on the same link ..

Today, Monday, I invite you to do an experiment ..

We l @ s @ s Blogger applies also to continue with the topic, only that we have not taken advantage. O well, at least I do not ..

By leaving a comment we get a little picture which makes me the honor of leaving present ...

Well, after writing the message if you pigeons where we send follow-up comments to specific mail (here is the blog of mine as an example), it may happen that:

- If any doubt is left of a post, I do know the answer right here and get them mail ..
- who have other input on the post makes us know and we'll keep commenting ..
- Whoever does not blog or I do not have your email (Hi Veronica! Hi Elisa!) Because here we're answering ...

Besides, if we're all friend @ s and are always in interaction, I think if the test is worth .. Next we

The temptations that we do not miss ..

Just as he does not want the thing it can to weave these little by little squares says the diagram and at least we know it ..
The blouse is!
Image from
Would you
I heard that someone is out of the closet here?
Sip ...
These last days have been like a little more oxygen sewing machine, and this how-to ....
Luxury for Summer!

Returning to the experiment ..

I usually I have the pc turned on all morning because I listen to internet radio. And me emails are coming so we'll be playing outstanding and blogging to see that this is going ..

Happy and ligerita Monday!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Low Iron With Normal Hemoglobin


Second Symposium of Art and Visual Decoding

Hellenic Cultural Institute.

Coordinator: Dr. Maria Cristina Rios Espinoza.

Venue: Gothic Chapel of the Hellenic Cultural Institute.

2 and March 3, 2011. 4:30 pm

1500 Avenida Revolucion Colonia Guadalupe Inn.

Bogen Manfrotto 3221 Tripod Legs Reviews

"This was a criminal offense. I'm not someone's home and broke the table of coffee and call that art "He stated very upset when the artists Tracy Emin Chinese Yuan Chai and Jian Jun Xi almohadazos started a war with the pads of his work, My Bed, exhibited at the Tate Modern in 1999. The artists were arrested by police on charges of criminal attack on a "work of art." Yuan Chai declared martial attack position "Kung Fu" We are artists, we wanted to work from Emin. " Interaction, the idea that the artistic work is in the process because the viewer is going to finish the work, is part of rhetorical discourse that accompanies most contemporary art, but when an action happens around the work, as in this case, it appears that this is untouchable over and that the viewer can not get close because they fall to blows. Emphasizing that those Chinese are artists, ie are consistent with the theory that art establishes that they have authority to intervene and transform a work without a crime. Most of these works are betting on the scandal as the only aesthetic value, or operation of the wrong-as is the case of Duchamp, a urinal upside down in an unusual site, and is that this will encourage the viewer to react and think. On another occasion these Kung-fu artists decided that Duchamp's urinal was an invitation and urinated in which is shown in the Tate. The museum said: "Two artists broke the pleasant visit of a work publicly attacking and against our staff." Wetting and register almohadazos is not art, but neither is a dirty bed or a urinal, then why did the Chinese are doing is a criminal attack? Never specify what is to where it can react and if it is valid under provocation or insult.

Antiquities in the National Museum of Sweden, the artist Dror Gunilla Skold Feiler and made an installation in homage to a Palestinian terrorist with a bomb killed 21 people and wounded another 54. Tank filled with red water museum, to look like blood and placed in a boat photo of the terrorist. Israel's ambassador to protest the glorification of terrorism, threw into the pond one of the lamps illuminating the scene and caused a short circuit in the gallery. Bingo! Artists and museum officials complained of censorship and made their show to the media misunderstood.

The point is that if you deliberately shocked Why are indignant with the reaction? Because outrage is an assembly, is the opportunity to manipulate the challenge for news with something without intellectual and aesthetic value. The reality is that these works aim with incitements to be meat holders. The reflection adds nothing to seek its objectives, the applause is a ritual endogamous unnoticed, but when the scandal emerged the work there, not before. The interaction of public debate in contradictions and pitfalls, first demanding that the viewer is a fan-package that is swallowed and whatever other topics incite confrontation with immediate attention. Everything is set to be breached or violated, worthless materials, the invoice is absent or negligible quality, many are ephemeral works or to see and throw it away, others are direct insults and free, glorification of violence or morbidity, and so forth. If the viewer is educated, wise and accessible, as should be assumed that the work is forgotten and hence the recycling warehouse. If the viewer takes the bait and respond, touch, manipulate, rages or laughs, the play paradox exists and oh! the artist feels humiliated and demands respect. So the Chinese have committed a criminal attack, because they emphasized that the worst that can happen to this assumption is that the public art reflect and be "sensitive" and accept the works as objects of content intellectual. Follow Case Yoko Ono to "touch only with the mind" leads to the abyss of oblivion.

Posted in Labyrinth cultural supplement of Milenio Diario, on Saturday February 26, 2011.

Funny Quote About The Gym




1 .- CARMEN GARCIA Guaita. DIE I HAVE SEEN A TREE. (download pdf)

2 .- ANGELES MARCO. THE BOUND way trip. (download pdf)

3 .- Joaquin Carrion CERVERA. A JOURNEY THROUGH THE DARKNESS . ( pdf download)

Friday, February 25, 2011

Free Kates Playground Full Sets Kates Playground?

Hits, Music, Camera and Action!

How are you? I want them tod @ s built as well as I. ..

Although I'm with her hair a little shorter, my mom said we needed a recortadita and Zaz! it was ...

I've walked in activities, you see here with Aunt on his blog tod @ s you make more than one thing at a time ..

they believe?
One I will!

order not to waste time watching TV while I upload my picture of the super to bed and I walk ..

not I on track?
kiss! ♥

hen Aunt And here I bring weekly travel temptations that so many things and do not even know where to start ...
syrup stick - e. ..

Accompany @ s good pace started!
Image from
that flowers are not we should fail ... Here
give us a great how-to ...
and write here today will one day .. 8-)

Image from
This glamorous little ring is the most glamorous ..
The how-to here
Image from
When they find out that made this necklace ... Well
are straws!
Here is the how-to ..

Image from
2 skirts Patola + How-to = This Skirt!
Image from
And we who walk 'deprived' of shoes ..
the How-to here ..

Image from
I can not lie ..
I immediately thought of the picture above ..
Here is the how-to ...

Image from
With those bits of fabric that we have here and there ..
of here is the outfit and here is the pattern ..

I put the pattern in my gallery , but on page it is more of an image ready for printing and embroidery ..
To begin to polish the threads summer ..
Here and here are the graphs ..

Back in white dress in hospital ..
Now he has had to Hubby brings a swelling in the lymph BiG type mumps ..
which is a fortune / virus ..
to be in bed rest, plenty of fluids, medicines (drugs) and pamper your wife ..
Ah! If the patient is on!

And so .. like you do not want the thing, you got:
that touches us!
Have a great weekend!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

The Names Of Columbus' Ships

pears or apples will ...

As the song says ..
♫ ♪ I'm not tiny gold to be liked all
♪ ♫

But ..
Nor do I have a doggy genius, 365 days a year, although this assertion must be made a very serious consideration, reflection and perhaps come to change strategy humorous (More? Tell the Hubby) ..

because I have canine genius that people think before you speak or the best draw me back?

to think clearly Well!

is said and precisely here that the people who have very bad mood, grumpy or better known as the 'Mascavidrios "think more clearly!

In contrast to people who always seem happy, the miserable mood is better at making decisions and are less credulous, as shown in the experiment of Professor Joe Forgas.

While cheerfulness promotes creativity, facilitates care melancholy and reflective thinking.

Psychologist irritable states that a person can deal with more demanding situations that an individual happy with the way in which the brain promotes information processing strategies. "

The temper triggers a more careful thinking and careful, making the person pay more attention to external world.

Now if we want to do is write it and as great ..
There is nothing better than sad!

People with moderately negative mood may have a more concrete communication style, harmonious and successful ..

Osease "we walked in the wrong lane?

But, what of us here is the cratividad ...
go ahead!
Image from
For the next meeting ...
The tutorial is here, and the hat pattern I got off here ..

I do not remember and do not point the page where I got these beautiful hats ..
Already there had been other places but they were for sale and here is the pattern of a knot and here that of the 2 peaks ..
Mmm .. we have to keep sewing!

And here is also longs for the tissues ..
For here are the graph of this chalecin ..

Thursday-Bes ..
And humorous reflection ...
Although honestly, I know a clairvoyant and potential to famous writers who hand in their bag waist best around ..

Let's try that tomorrow is Friday!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Yiff Flashes With Sound


The Valencia retired nurse, have held championships Wii for Holidays of St. John of God, to be held the next day God through March 6 of this year 2011.
trophies have achieved the following nurses retired:


1 º .- Ana Claramunt


2 º .- M ª Antonia Classified Moscardó

3rd place .- July Alarcón.

Golf Game:

Francisco Soto

1 º 2 º

Martí Amelia 3 º Ramón Aznar

Tennis Game

1, Francisco Ventura

2 º Paquita Robles

3 º M ª del Carmen Bonet

These trophies will be awarded by the President and the Secretary of the Association of Retired Nursing Valencia San Juan de Dios.

CLICK HERE TO SEE THE VIDEO., _fotografía_y_literatura . _

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Solid Vegetable Glycerin


In the Satyricon Fellini film, based on the novel of Petronius libertine, characters and Ascilito Encolpius, are immortalized in a cool, beautiful young people who are living their passions, which have been driven by his appetites and the end of the glory to immortalize their faces in a work of art.

The Metropolitan Museum New York recently completed installation and restore the Villa Publius Fannius Boscorale Synister of Pompeii and to conclude the study of the walls are painted in fresco. VR also meet with the fragments of this village that are dispersed by other museums.

This village was devastated by the eruption of Vesuvius in 79 AD, buried in ashes left by a civilization. In the Satyricon, Petronius tells how Ascilito Encolpius and fight for a child to share as lovers in this adventure come to a village where a wedding has just committed suicide, slitting his wrists and he poisoned her, the town is in its description, as which have been rebuilt in the halls of MET.

The walls of these villas were painted with frescoes by artists brought from different parts of Mediterranean Europe and North Africa. The colors, technique and themes always had a meaning and social implications. The Treaty of Plotonio Beauty Beauty is stated that appeals primarily to the eye, and then the rest of the senses, so the villas were decorated with paintings in each room, people needed to live with something beautiful that entrenched its existence, that would give meaning to their ephemeral stay in this reality.

The villa

Synister see on the walls portraits of the homeowners, there are garlands of fruit, bright colors and characters that care for and protect the environment. These are portraits of gods with wings, and placed on either side of a door, greet and say goodbye to visitors. This winged beings that have nothing to do with Christian iconography, are messengers who anticipate what is coming. On another wall, representing the love of science and knowledge, is a scholar, perhaps a philosopher who writes and reasons on parchment, wrapped in his robe, the background is red which represents the purchasing power of the owners. The pigment color was more expensive to obtain, in fact artists had no direct access to the pigments, the head of the house which was guarded and distributed.

artists who painted these villas signed his works with a symbol that would identify, masks or animals. Many of these murals simulate architectures in the house, columns, windows overlooking gardens to non-existent or fabulous spaces. Among the frescoes of the area east and west in the cubicle of the chamber, have paintings of cities, palaces and their streets and gardens with fountains. This extension from the outside gives the house a virtual reality scene, out there is some memory and art is what makes this this daily special.

Recreation in the walls of the architecture, gods, nature of the gardens and fruits that are entangled in garlands, is an exercise in philosophical analysis and rethinking the way in space. The assessment of what must enter into a private and how that environment must have is about what these artists worked. The gods and their scenes are a statement of aesthetic and ethical principles. If a fresh dramatic color recreate Medea when she is about to murder their children, mad with love, hate and jealousy, the walls of that house are the same passions of its inhabitants, the emotions to who worship because they are afraid.

On the walls of a house the symbols are out of the concept of decorating, not a way to fill the space and forget their presence, letting time pass without taking over the images covering the walls, frescoes are seeking to harmonize with the daily existence of beauty, to relate to the most essential intimacy with the art and describe the nature of living in the house.

In one of the walls is bright Venus rising from the sea, surrounded by a blue sky and green water almost at the other end of Bacchus, the god of pleasure, young man leans over a wall while another played the Three Graces . This home is inhabited by beauty, pleasure and sensuality, are the guardian gods of those walls that bring to the people the gift of light that illuminates the walls to bring in more light.

Published in the Journal Antidote

Friday, February 18, 2011

Marrigae Invites - Funny


On February 16, opened the monument in Alicante the hands that care for the sick, Nurses Alicante, lovely ceremony attended by the Honorable Mayor and authorities of Alicante, CECOVA President, President of the College of Nursing, Alicante, President of the College of Nursing College President Valencia and Castellón Nursing. They were also invited the Presidents of the Associations of Retired Nursing Valencia.

CLICK TO SEE VIDEOón_escultura_en_Alicante

Cubefield Widescreen Game


Work is an important source of gratification in the life of any human being to be happy not only needs to be developed on a personal level through love and friendship but also in the professional area within the exercise of his vocation. However, like any source of recognition, the work can also cause stress, dissatisfaction, concerns and problems affecting one way or another to every worker.
In fact, experts explain that coaching is important to learn to separate space and time critical, so that a person does not let their labor problems interfere with personal relationships. Something that, unfortunately, happens with frequency.
But there is a moment in the life of any person who says goodbye to his job. At that moment, there is retirement. A long-awaited and desired stage by some workers while others tackled this vital period with some trepidation. However, any person should know that being retired does not mean to remain idle. That is, any retiree can take advantage of this stage of his life to fulfill all those dreams you could not do previously due to lack of time.
Some people enjoy making trips seniors to discover new lands and experience other cultures. There are also those who dare to learn languages \u200b\u200band enjoy the mastery of technologies. In today's society, many retirees choose to return to college for a career. A very positive attitude as well, anyone enjoys most when studying for pleasure when you do out of obligation as at the time, feel free to act more.
Life expectancy has increased significantly in today's society through the development of medicine and the improvement in the quality of life. Therefore, the retirement may be a stage of life as fully as any other. For example, some retirees also decided to spend part of their time to voluntary activity. Thus, in addition to feel useful in the exercise of a function can also learn new people and stay in touch with others.
The effect produced by volunteering is so positive that many psychologists suggest that this practice as a way to prevent sadness or depression. It is worth betting on retirement from positive thinking to be happy because beyond the workplace is possible.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Where Can I Buy A Crystal Wedding Tree


and idleness.

Labor is the great value of art and the companies seeking the assessment of individuals on their merits. The French Revolution was the first social movement which established that the noble virtues were not above the people, nor had higher privileges. These virtues as is the grace cristina, were given by God. The guillotine with sharp certainty demonstrated the falsity of these ideas. The art and work are intrinsic, the artist does. His works are a result of learning, long meditations, sketches, ideas that are fixed or thrown away, leading to a search string and tests leading to a work, that the end may be unsuccessful or successful. This is work. Michelangelo told his assistants as the only aesthetic advice: laborare, laborare . came

contemporary art and artists are the new modern tyranny is not working and whose status as an artist is a divine, metaphysical. They just think, are like the court of Marie Antoinette who lived in idleness because it was privileged and was a lowly job. did not have to learn anything, they need not know anything, boasted of his ignorance, his indifference, made fun of the fools who were determined to seek knowledge, and that's why the revolution took place without them knowing it was happening . Ordered to the guillotine was a public health measure, as stipulated Robespierre, to prevent further ill society.

Learning to draw is a long road, painting a canvas is trying to solve a problem, habits, traits with the color or shape, be contemporary artist is not the result of a formation, it is embodied by decree, as the nobility, as dictatorships, because they can. Already discussed the Marquis de Sade, abuse of power is the way to show who is boss and to exercise tyranny over others. Art is what a group decide and is an imposition that must implement the rest that remains outside the circle. This artist, privileged, lazy, arrogant, has the institutional support and to exert market power, without the nasty meddling of the critical attitude of those who observe. For dictators and nobles, the criticism is not his accomplice, is their enemy. Art criticism is subject to the production system as the party in power by accepting and disseminating the official discourse. By the grace of the situation of artists, like the noble absolutists, their illnesses or vices, his penchant for vulgarity, racism and glorification of violence, the denigration of eroticism and sexuality, to the elemental and mindless occurrences, are exemplary and admirable. This artist does not touch the work is not done, take anything and make it a museum piece, commanded to do their work to others he calls "craftsmen." If you engage in the bill dictates that their decisions are correct, that the result is always art and is not subject to a hierarchy of values \u200b\u200bthat challenge the content, the result of the work or the quality. The work validates the artist as such to the extent that disparages the value of the work. The work is denigrated, the lower classes work, the artist who is less than you think. Reduces the work to an activity which does not involve intellectual. The contempt not only covers the real artists, it is an affront to the working society in general. The artist is an absolute unquestionable. That is understandable, questions are collapsing dictatorships and nobles into exile or the guillotine.

the banality of ideas.

The most effective way to distract from the most serious problems is addressed with banality and frivolity. Reduce to a minimum expression. Contemporary art is a preacher of solutions to change the world. Children's solutions, the surface that cause the problem to be almost nonexistent. So the power lives in comfort with these works because they make art an NGO in official discourse. His transgressions are teenage tantrums, the world view is simplistic. If something such as drug paraphernalia has been reduced to customs, if the brutal and cruel social inequality that we are walls covered with bread, if power and imperialism remain Mickey Mouse ears, logos of multinational companies, whether domestic violence and macho are dishes with words and a beer at a table, because that will keep artists because their criticisms are so soft that represent a placebo traitorous accomplice.

Clippings, newspaper headlines, the discourse of art has a lower level of secondary school work. This trivialization of the problems is a symptom of the lack of social involvement that they have. Contemporary art is, above all, elitist. To claim that society has to pay and cheer because someone urinate in public, or accept a block of cement has physical qualities above, is social arrogance and what complaint is their sense of arrogance to artificial status of artists. This intellectual minority that sit on the artists is an advantage for the State, because it gives the excuse of supporting the arts and their "new words", which already have a hundred years, and maintains all numb to the real collective conscience. Injustice and violence in prisons are photos of keychains, and other personal pettiness, is a work willingly pay a bank or a corporation, for its frivolity masks the true intentions of tax evasion and social position they need to have more power . why all these works that are supposed to do that are critical and preachers light of the "social reality" are sponsored by the oligarchs smoothly because the system is never uncomfortable. This art is the drug more sophisticated than ever invented, has numbed society, and makes its addicts delude into believing they are artists. And like the opium war: give them more, make them believe that they are not to think. If anything holds the power is to have citizens who do not question, who live in the comfort of silence and ignorance.


The rhetorical discourse of this great art is: "If you do not like it because you do not understand." Is the despotism of one group over the entire society. The bureaucratic apparatus is required for a minority that rejects the view of society to their poor performance. The museums company paying their taxes, are marginalized from the manifestations of these artists, because he is not qualified to witness them. This art is antisocial. To power the popular voice is a nightmare, because the disadvantaged elementary mathematics, provided the majority, and this is a mirror that never have to look. Those who are outside the benefits of power are almost all, and these should not have a voice or presence. The system of contemporary art is the same, with their low social vocation that exploits resources, it needs complicated infrastructure, create ephemeral works that plunder the institutions and not create acquis, the least you want is people think about their results and what they do. Then disqualified, have neither the training nor the intelligence to present its views. All entries are valid, but no criticism is valid. Praise, as to kings, princes blessings as, money and the banks. That's what they need.


"Rich people DECIDED In the Beginning of the year That They Had plenty of money to spend."

Marc Porter President Christie's America .

Consumerism is the freedom of capitalism. Have the purchasing power to consume, buy what you claimed this economic system. Buy orgasm is more correct than you can have: no touching, no risk of catching diseases and it is rewarded, because the buying is worth what you spend. In the pyramid of capitalism, poverty is a crime and wealth is the pinnacle of glory. What a person takes is a letter. Contemporary art has taken consumption limits before anyone had imagined. The flaunting of wealth that gives high prices to pay for garbage is a capitalist demonstrations of more violence and social aggression in the world. In the purchase does not involve taste or the pleasure of watching a play, involving the price, the ratio of folly and cost. The demonstration impose bourgeois bad taste because fashion is deciding who can afford it. Prices are triggered by things in their real value and purpose is only a few dollars, but what has to be quoted in millions is speculation and whimsy. It is an aesthetic revolution. It is a commercial infrastructure in which prices rise to impose a status of non-existent value. This art represents qu and costs, what someone was willing to pay, that's all its worth. The State invests a display of its economic boom, and works never pay collection account, the money is wasted on ephemeral works or invisible. You have to buy more because of the above, nothing remains, creating a chain of consumption that evaporates but that shows that government investment. This is fashion and marketing system works the same as objects of consumption, then the artists have to be new, therein lies the obsession with youth or novelty. All works are essentially the same, so at least the person may be different. We see a parade artists disappear from year to year catalogs, their only mission is to offer something a little more shocking, more vulgar, and so on., because this system makes them disposable. THE art ceases to be to form an evolutionary view of the aesthetic feelings of the individual becomes a consumer must be satisfied as clothing or cars, and the more extravagant and expensive more socially elevates the buyer. If pay for shit, why something will not be able to pay.

Published in Journal Replicante

Humorous Wedding Response Cards


Guillermo Arreola, oil on catalog.

An artist's book is a canvas or tool that literally suffers on its pages obsession operator for providing a new reality to the establishment, by squeezing its pages, transform them, to invent what has already been invented for transcend. Guillermo Arreola has this obsession with destroying another dimension to launch a book of fashion or art. Take a series of films that show through illness and treated as the pages of a book and painted over them, hiding the putrefaction of body colors with punches and tear scarred to mark the paint. One of his artists' books do not remember your original print, the paper claim a catalog, on the front pages scrub colors, browns, blues and grays, are torn between scratches, stains almost organic. The page is still broken in half circle, the edge of the paper is smoked with charcoal and ink, is the gap in a wall, the wound in the paper. Each page is a work of art, the colors exploding in its pages are the colors Velázquez, the darkness of the interior in contrast to the diseased skin, pale from living among stone walls, and thick velvet clothing. Arreola painted with fingers, brushes and rags for wires crossed with scratches, color composition is a lawsuit, a raging waterfall. And book does not stand to be closed, is to open, to hang and have nightmares.

Guillermo Arreola, oil on catalog.

in artists such as Picasso and Bacon there was no possibility that a book of his library, which rolled on the floor and benches, is not transformed and altered his evidence color and sketches. To smear the oils and trace couche ideas on paper, redrawn the painting, leaving their footprints and intelligence of his strokes, simple tests do work. Books cogérselos are for, to rape, to make them shatter, to invent them again the world. A pretentious catalogs of contemporary artists that do not contain anything relevant, repeated ten times the same images out of focus (look sidewalk cigarette butt, unfinished, process documentation, etc., etc.), which also cost a Fortunately, should be annexed other suggestions frivolous use to justify their existence: seat, table to put hot objects (as suggested Anxo Varela), wedge to wedge a table.

William Kentridge, encyclopedia.

fable William Kentridge became an encyclopedia of the nineteenth century, striking in its leaves a series of black paper silhouettes. Figures parade on the letters: A man carries a stone, two slaves carried his mistress on a canopy, the horn of a phonograph walks on two legs, a mother shatters a shock to his son. It is a court of scraps, scarecrows, dancers, rebels and chargers of all kinds of objects that go into the abyss of the end of the pages in the will qua melted down, singing, hypnotized by their guide, a torso that stands in a couple crutches. The notebooks, the notebooks of sketches are a daily naked findings and frustrations become works when your pages are exhausted, are filled with comments, pictures, colors, and here, as in all art, the real talent comes out the painful limitations or withdrawal of the artist.

The thousand drawings by Tracy Emin, who are supposed to sketch his blankets embroidered, are a block of paper that can be charged and only containing one thousand scratches that might have decorated the high school bathrooms. The intervention which shows the expertise that comes from knowing the nature of the object. Books that hole, you dig, the termite vandals armed with a knife, where mutilation turns out to be the work does not transcend in order to support the art, knocked out, is the support of someone's laziness.

painters books are an invitation to meddling. In revenge, honor and learning are defaced, conquered. Those spots, that desperation to find the colors of Rembrandt painting over the pages, scared, because they just close it and forget it, get it mastered. View is to enter into an intimacy that happens during the creation, which is the time most loved and most hated.

Posted in Maze, Milenio Diario, on Saturday 12, 2011.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Late Period High Cervix

Holidays 2011 Happy Holidays

A week ago they finally reached the holidays. These will be our first holiday to Salvador and for that we have many times prepared to get to know the beach, parks and museums. In addition to his family living on the coast.

We have been enjoying a day at the pool and innate Salvador is a swimmer.