Friday, March 25, 2011

Dua For Marriage Cards

Double check .. and Temptations ..


As you may realize I've had a hectic day ..
But to see that not all the time I'm racing I told my aunt taught me to read too! ☺
course suddenly my mom believes that I must have close and so I put my backpack ..
I think he's afraid of losing it!

And the journey begins ...
Image from
A handbag with a very useful instructions and easy to follow ..
For here are the how-to ...
Image from
Adorable fabric cushion ..
The how-to is found here are in English but are easy to follow ...
Image from
I can not think of flowers ..
And here are some directions to these outfits .. ♥
Image from
... What Floresotas?
They are cloth and again, here instructions are in English but very explainable ..
Image from
I do not hang clothes ...
will use the hooks to make crowns Welcome!
Here are the how-to ..
As if we lacked ideas yesterday that the recycling of yesterday with the shirts ...
Here are the how-to ...
Image from
Crown "gummy candies?
or follow the how-to here ...
Either we eat the jelly beans?

Here is the graph of this ...

blanket When I saw it I thought it might be a project in the distance ..

If such that the end no matter you are away, or when we sat down to watch TV and not just watching TV ..
(I think that is the subject of Wednesday!)
figure here ..

Who is the other side of the screen next to these keys humble, in company aka spouse's Hubby ..

go for a ride to the North! Sip

In Live with Parents, The Sister, and.
The Nephews! ☺

Happy Weekend!
And of course he plays!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

What Are Good Songs To Dance To In A Talent Show

Maternity illustrated

Sandia Via Nerd


Calories Smith Fields Bbq Sandwich

advantage ...

The purpose of life is appreciation, it makes no sense not to appreciate things, and makes no sense to have more of them, if they are not appreciated ...
Gilbert Keith Chesterton

reading the wise words of Mr Chesterton we can apply to the time when we go live TOO @ s..

Whether we are both in the northern hemisphere or in the South, we're just changing the station and not just the train ...

Nope, by the heat starts here and there the Cold ..

But in both cases we need to fix the clothes, which is a task not entirely pleasant for everyone s..

After today's post I guarantee that until we go to volunteer neighbor's closet!

recycle T Today!
A necklace of those we love ..
The how-to we can find it here
Well, a quick and convenient way to develop a bandana ..
For here find the how-to ..
This is getting more interesting .. 8-)
Here are the instructions .. Image
vest "?
Vamonos pa ' here to tell us the how!

An extrovert type collar ..
For here go the instructions ..
A new face on a T-flat ..
The how-to for here!

To welcome the Home ..
I here the how-to ..

And then of course ..
That also can make yarn for knitting! Here
a very detailed how-to's how.

On the other side of the screen ..
Osease Yo ..

spring for what we got half floral ..
The photos do not like much but it was mejorcillo ..


I thank you for your reply yesterday!
exercise helps us both to know and to appreciate that we do not walk so sol @ s sometimes on the roads ..

know, who wants to participate is free and will practice on Wednesday ..

only let us know to go to gossip or if they are not where they want to stop here drive with full confidence that comes out of this world! ♥

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Scalp Warts Googe Images

I ... I confess:

Today have joined together to this humble blogger in the business of ginning 'something personal' a group of friends ...

We have called Wednesday Confessional ...

may see in the left column to those who will exercise the expulsacion updating and personal situations.

@ s are widely welcomed anyone who wants to join the movement gossip either here in comments or ..

contact us and learn quickly peel in their Blogs!

Do not have a blog?
No matter you have a space here!

For starters, the photo are the Broccoli & Yo ..
I think I have had about 3-4 years and 5-6 years The
(because it is older than me!)

And he says .. .

grew up in a stable home, and it's stable I do not mean by the term emotional, but I can not complain, I thank the family that has touched me,
all we do something 'special and there are times that even space!

Well .. back to stability
of single and working memory we lived in 2 homes ..
Yes! Only Two
And in the same city!

Ah ...
But what about marriage? ♥
In a couple of months we acomplete 17 years married and in those years we have said
"Be you welcome to this new address"
9 times ...

And no more because we could not sell the house!
Since in this we have 5 years and had never lasted this long with the same zip code ..

Interestingly, it was a time I woke up at night and it was hard to recognize in that house was sleeping.
was no trauma, displacement was
☺ ..
There have been occasions the same direction has lasted only 6 months after the experience I have confirmed that there is no need to open all the boxes from moving to survive ..

Apart ...
Should we give him time to feel a little firm earth not?
work in the home area is given that the geographical rotation ..

The next day was moving house and asked that even if you can call home ..

my philosophy of life here in transit has taught me that first move after that:

"Home is where we place our heart ♥ n"

And if there are stories ..
We have some friends who, after struggling a horror of getting home in the Midwest, the husband changes jobs.
come back to North ...
lasted for about 1 year of living almost on top of each other while building the new house and once installed in less than 6 months ...
That changed again!

Well spoke the movie ..
are not alone! ☺
Ora 'if we say that as the broad avenues of Facebook ...
Me Gusta!
You And if you like ...
Here is the chart!

And if not in stock .. For
flowered brooch!
Here graphics ..

Funny, this morning talking with the brother Telesforo about your next change of car was telling me that I decided a while also must not take adherence to the cars much less at home!

And you, in such changes?

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Power Wheel Lil Trail Rider Pink

Spring ... Altera Blood? Slightly

a very big apology ..

Well, as we walk in these and confidence ..
Make that two!

omit yesterday to welcome the spring as God intended ..
Yes, this gardener's blog brightens every year ..
to love you already feel!

devote time to the Garden Time!

and Second ...
Well, today we bring a how-to cuisine that gave us no time crafteril ..

Muffins / Muffins / Cupcakes
2.5 cups of flour
1 tsp baking soda / baking soda
1.5 tsp baking powder
1 tablespoon ground cinnamon 1.5 cups

sugar 1 cup vegetable oil 3 eggs

2 blocks in a bucket or striped granny
1 / 2 cup chopped pecans
2 tsp vanilla

- In a bowl put the flour, baking soda, cinnamon, baking powder, and stir with either balloon / whisk or a fork. Set aside.

- In another bowl's take the oil, sugar and turn the mixer. Gradually we added the eggs and vanilla. Since the mixture gruesesita put a medium color and start marshmallow we add little by little the flour mixture, apples and nuts.

- Pour the mixture into molds and bake for about 20-25 mminutos to 365F ...



Bag yesterday made some of these hands,
that here are the graphics ..

a souvenir To Welcome Baby ..
Here is the chart ...

confessions of Tomorrow ..
For anyone who has a blog put it on yours, please just tell us to go and see it's that the confessions ..

not Be Who ..
Pos right here in the comments deposit their words!

As a title it will "I confess ..."
And the confessions as they arise in my list of blogs that update will appear here on the left ..

If your blog I have not yet hit me cry please
and hereby quickie!

Florido Be Good and Tuesday!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Masterbate With A Mixer

on Monday ..

We all look for that thing ..

Usually we go through life trying to make a difference, which we can achieve or avoid creating a visual that it is noticeable ..

In my very humble opinion, this is as normal ..

And for those who want either to make a difference or just have an item of conversation ..

Here we are some ideas:


And if it is not clear that the ideas ..
We can go for over here itself ..

.. Monday's Creative Ideas
It seems to me the remains of yarn / raffia / wool
that abound here ...
Chart can be found here itself ..

As the commercial says ..
You saw me!
This idea is hyper-feminine recontra ..
The how to is here ..
flowers are formed by yoyo's ..


We came with our friends at You Tube ..
And here we come to the How-to ..

This post has been a great challenge ..
Despite 'some changes' the internet connection this past week has been fatal ..
But right now I have to upload this entry batallao '..

Habemus Post!

Happy-Light "Easy and Healthy especially
Monday Light!

Originality is a return to origins.

Antonio Gaudi i Cornet

supportive bloggers are requested to publish Wednesdays 'Confessions', of course it will be suitable for all audiences because we are family time ..
who scored?